Encouraging and rewarding employees has always been a priority for businesses. Offering incentives can be an effective way to inspire team members to strive toward their goals and put forth their best efforts. One popular approach is gamification, which taps into employees’ competitive nature and internal drive to succeed.

By harnessing the power of both incentives and gamification, companies can significantly increase the productivity of their sales teams and other staff. This demonstrates to employees that their efforts are valued and appreciated, and helps to foster a positive, motivated work environment.

What is an incentive?

An incentive is a reward or benefit that is offered to encourage or motivate someone to take a specific action or achieve a particular goal. Incentives can take many forms, including monetary compensation, bonuses, promotions, recognition, or other tangible benefits.

They are an effective way to increase motivation and productivity among employees, customers, or partners. Incentives can also be used to drive positive behaviors, such as increasing sales or improving customer satisfaction.

However, it is important to design incentives carefully to ensure they have the desired impact and do not create unintended consequences or negative effects. Overall, incentives are a valuable tool for businesses and organizations to achieve their objectives and improve performance.

What is gamification?

The concept of gamification has been employed as a means of incentivizing employees and customers through interactive solutions. This approach facilitates the creation of gamified experiences that spur excitement, challenge, and motivation, both internally and externally.

When applied in a customer-centric context, gamification can effectively enhance brand recognition and instill customer loyalty. In turn, internal gamification can serve as a powerful tool for increasing employee engagement by providing rewards and recognition for outstanding performance.

Incentives vs gamification

Incentives vs gamification

In determining the optimal approach for enhancing employee productivity, the question arises: is the implementation of incentives or gamification more advantageous? Does one strategy outperform the other in eliciting greater employee engagement?

Consequently, businesses must consider whether incentives or gamification tactics are more effective for cultivating a high-performance culture.

The implementation of gamification has demonstrated a capacity to enhance efficiency and motivation among employees, whether to foster friendly competition among peers or to stimulate individual growth. As a result, organizations have observed tangible outcomes that can be attributed to gamification, including heightened productivity and increased morale.

Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation

What is intrinsic motivation and how can businesses benefit from it?

One of the key advantages of intrinsic motivation is the unwavering passion it instills in those who possess it. The potency of internal drive is unparalleled, as it allows individuals to immerse themselves fully in a task without the need for external incentives. When an individual is content to carry out their work without the promise of extrinsic rewards, it serves as a testament to their level of engagement and focus, unencumbered by external factors.

Individuals who possess intrinsic motivation do not seek external incentives while undertaking a task; rather, the task in itself serves as a reward. They willingly take on challenges, establish self-directed objectives, and derive immense gratification and fulfillment from their own endeavors.

The effective utilization of intrinsic motivation by businesses is the defining factor in their success. The provision of career progression, autonomy, and opportunity is essential for creating a thriving work environment. A robust business strategy that naturally incentivizes employees and an organizational culture that encourages self-driven achievement can propel highly motivated individuals to great heights of success.

Regarding the remaining duties, what measures can be taken to invigorate team members’ enthusiasm towards the more routine and demanding tasks that may require external incentives?

At times, the strategic use of extrinsic motivation can serve as an effective tool in inspiring employee engagement, particularly in situations where the opportunity to attain a reward is presented. By showcasing that work can yield more than mere intrinsic gratification, enterprises can encourage their staff to strive for excellence and actively participate in their work.

How can businesses benefit from extrinsic motivation and what does this term mean?

Extrinsic motivation refers to the external incentives that prompt individuals to engage in tasks. These incentives may take the form of tangible rewards, such as awards or financial compensation, or intangible praise and acknowledgment. In contrast to internal gratification, external rewards serve as the impetus behind an individual’s actions, driving them toward achieving the desired outcome.

Various individuals are motivated by different external factors such as achieving a gold medal for athletes, obtaining a higher grade for students, or receiving monetary rewards, promotions, or pay raises for employees. The extrinsic motivators necessitate a certain degree of tangible accomplishment along with intrinsic satisfaction.

The utilization of extrinsic motivators, including gamification, yields numerous advantages in the professional setting.

This serves as a feedback source

The utilization of gamification has the potential to effectively communicate to individuals that their efforts have attained a level of proficiency meriting positive reinforcement, acknowledgment, and increased opportunities for development.

It sparks interest or generates interest

The implementation of gamification techniques and extrinsic rewards has been proven to effectively stimulate interest and engagement in activities that individuals previously showed no inclination towards. This approach has been especially effective for sales teams, who may require an external impetus to motivate them towards achieving their goals and exceeding targets.

It has the potential to acquire new skills

The utilization of external motivators serves as an initial approach to instilling enthusiasm among employees. Upon mastering the fundamental skills, there is a possibility that employees will transition to an internal drive to undertake an endeavor, acquire additional competencies, and broaden their understanding.

 potential to acquire new skills

Examples of incentives in the workplace

Incentive programs for employees

Reward programs implemented in the workplace serve as a formidable tool to inspire members of a team with tangible benefits. Many prosperous organizations have utilized incentivization strategies to foster constructive competition, particularly within sales teams.

Whether it be motivating the entirety of one’s workforce to surpass predetermined objectives or creating bespoke incentive programs for sales teams, implementing incentive solutions in the workplace is an advantageous approach.

Recognition incentives

Incentivizing recognition is a straightforward approach to bestowing employees with commendation and encouragement. Expressing gratitude and admiration for their diligent efforts manifests an appreciation for their contributions. Such acknowledgments motivate employees to persist in their endeavors following recognition.

Employee recognition is not confined to verbal acclamations. Organizing an outing for the team can enhance morale, provide a vent for employee stresses and demonstrate the company’s acknowledgment of the significance of organizational culture, all of which are expressed through actionable measures.

Appreciation initiatives

Corporate events, festivities, and group meals offered with compensation are additional methods to encourage and motivate staff members.

By recognizing the significance of promoting a positive corporate culture, companies display their commitment to modern business practices and the imperative to transform the workplace into an environment that fosters more than just the completion of job duties.


The implementation of gamification techniques serves as an additional incentive for the enhancement of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. This can manifest in the form of a heightened drive to succeed or through the creation of personal challenges and objectives to be conquered.

Gamify Route offers a diverse portfolio of solutions to facilitate employee engagement which can be perused at your convenience.